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Aviation Complex in Lipetsk region to Run on Solar Energy

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31 October 2012

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Russia’s first multi-range general aviation complex for the development, manufacturing and servicing aircraft will get electricity from a solar power plant — the first one in the Lipetsk region.

An innovative company, «Multi-range complex of general aviation » (MRC GA, OOO «Sigma») completed the installation of LED lighting systems and a mini-power plant, which will provide the company with the uninterrupted electricity supply, obtained from solar energy. The delivery and installation of the equipment was provided by ENERCOM – a Lipetsk-based manufacturer of LED lighting systems, which carries out the projects of introducing renewable energy sources.

So far, the MC GA completed the construction of the first production building with the area of 1206 sq.m. The LED lights by ENERCOM, which are installed in the assembly area, in an open area and as emergency lighting, will consume a minimum of electricity for lighting the enterprise (7 kW / h instead of 19.5 kW / h, which traditional sources of lighting would consume).

Besides, «Sigma» will not bear the costs of the subsequent maintenance of lighting, as LED lights will last over ten years. The LED lighting systems by ENERCOM are guaranteed to be absolutely environmentally friendly due to the absence of mercury in lamps.

The mini-power plant, collected from fifteen solar modules BEKAR (manufactured in Germany), will produce 1575 W / h. The own generation will reduce electricity consumption from the grid by half and ensures the uninterrupted operation of the enterprise.

«The project of MRC GA «Sigma is «unique, there are no equivalent on in Russia. It is significant that the modern innovative company «Sigma» selects innovative equipment for the equipment of needs of its own production, including lighting. LED lighting and renewable energy sources are technology of the future «- says ENERCOM CEO Dmitry Streltsov.

«Even when designing our production facilities, we set a course for environmental safety and energy conservation. I think it is important for modern enterprises to do everything possible to reduce the negative impact on the environment, and that was the reason why we attracted ENERCOM, which has considerable experience in the field of energy efficiency in lighting, «- said the General Director of Sigma Vera Ivakina.

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