Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Turn to the economy with Ogint and Giacomini

668 0
26 July 2012

Short before the heating season, and Giacomini and Ogint manufacturers have launched a joint advertising campaign, "Turn to the economy". The companies have decided to combine their efforts to convey the idea of ​​using energy-efficient solutions to conserve heat to the consumers. According to experts, the installing of the radiators with thermostatic control can save up to 20%. And now it is easier to make the installation of these devices bcause it's time for the preparation for the heating season and it's the right time for the replacement of heaters at homes. Aluminium and bimetal radiators OGINT are modern heating appliances with a high emissivity and low thermal inertia. Use on radiators automatic thermostatic valves Giacomini allows to choose a comfortable temperature for humans, which will continue to be maintained automatically. Moreover, such equipment involves direct energy savings, which is very important because of the constantly energy tariffs rising.

The advertising campaign is held from August 1 to September 30, 2012 in the cities where there are Ogint dealers.

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