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EPEE fights against pre-charge ban

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11:33 26 January 2013

EUROPE: EPEE, the European Partnership for Energy and the Environment which represents much of the heating and cooling industry in Europe, has expressed its concern at the proposed ban on pre-charged equipment under the F-gas regulations, describing it as disproportionate and counter-productive.

Andrea Voight of EPEE told ACR News: "EPEE has taken note of the Commission proposal to ban pre-charging of equipment, and fully shares the Commission's (and other organisations') objective to ensure that the integrity of the phase-down mechanism is protected. Indeed there should be no loophole in the phase-down mechanism that could negatively impact the main aim of the F-gas regulation: reducing the climate impact of F-gases. 

"However, EPEE, together with a wide group of industry organisations, is very concerned that the proposed ban is not the right way forward and is counter-productive. This ban is disproportionate and will create a variety of economic, environmental and safety problems for governments, users, industry and society as a whole," she said. 

"EPEE is currently working on a proportionate and balanced solution that will protect the integrity of the phase-down mechanism, but will also safeguard safety, resource efficiency and the competiveness of the EU industry." 

More on EPEE's position can be found at (click on position papers, joint industry statement of EPEE, EHPA, TI, EHI and Eurovent).

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