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WorldGBC Government Leadership Awards

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12 January 2012

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The World Green Building Council has announced the winning cities in its WorldGBC Government Leadership Awards for Excellence in City Policy for Green Building.

The Leadership awards, created in partnership with ICLEI-International and UN-HABITAT, announced the following winners for the varied categories:

Best Green Building Policy: San Francisco, USA, for the San Francisco Green Building Ordinance.
Climate Action Leadership Award: Mexico City for its Climate Action Plan as well as its global leadership on the Mexico City Pact (Global Cities Covenant on Climate).
Urban Retrofit Award: Birmingham, UK, for Birmingham City Council’s Energy Savers Programme.
Regional Leadership Award: Singapore for its Green Building Masterplan.
Industry Transformation Award: New York City for its Greener, Greater Buildings Plan.
Most Groundbreaking Policy Award: Tokyo, Japan, for the Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Programme.

In addition to rewarding leadership, the awards are intended to inspire other governments at all levels, share and replicate best practices in green building policy, and underscore green buildings as a winning strategy to reduce carbon emissions.

Picture Birmingham's new skyline © Copyright Carl Baker and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

Monday 9th January 2012
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