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Wilo: financial report 2011

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28 April 2012

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The Wilo Group is continuing on course for growth in turbulent economic times. In spite of the ongoing European national debt crisis and a decline in the dynamism of the global economy, the Dortmund pump specialist can look back on a positive business year. The press conference to present the 2011 financial results was held on 25 April 2012 in Düsseldorf, and was conducted by Oliver Hermes, the CEO of WILO SE. He takes an optimistic view of business activities for the current year 2012.

Following 2010, the globally active Wilo Group once again succeeded in pushing sales beyond the billion mark, and breaking the prior year's record. Sales revenues in 2011 amounted to EUR 1.07 billion. "Sales revenues rose by 4.8 percent and possess a special quality, because we only suffered slight reductions during the crisis year of 2009. Following that, we achieved record sales growth in 2010, at 10.3 percent," emphasised the CEO Oliver Hermes.

The CEO was also very satisfied with the Group's asset and financial position. The Wilo Group's equity increased by 5.3 percent to EUR 410.0 million with positive Group earnings amounting to EUR 53.4 million. The equity amounts to 46.2 percent of the balance sheet total. Oliver Hermes continued: "Our liquid funds were once again increased compared to the prior year, from EUR 152.8 to EUR 166.0 million. The positive liquidity situation is extremely important for us in these uncertain times on the financial and capital markets, because we have big plans for the future and we want to make some major investments."

The pump specialist has its company headquarters in Dortmund, and wants to continue its role as a leader in innovation and technology in the future as well. Investments by the group of companies increased by almost 17.4 percent. Also, expenditure on research and development increased by almost nine percent.



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