Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Exhibition WATER & HEAT in Minsk

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17 May 2012

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Exhibition Company "Green Expo" invites to take part in the 14-th International specialized exhibition "WATER & HEAT - 2012".
Running alongside the Exhibition "WATER & HEAT - 2012" will be the specialised Salons "Heating", "Air-conditioning & Ventilation", "Pipes and Fittings" and "Pumps & Swimming-pools".
In the program of exhibition "WATER & HEAT - 2012": congress "WATER - 2012" for problems of extraction of water, water supply, water removal and clearing of drains.
Water & Heat is an international exhibition for water and heating technology at Exhibition Pavilion in Minsk. It covers technologies, equipment and materials for water production, treatment, supply, disposal and effluent treatment as well as heating, sanitary, air-conditioning and ventilation. Water & Heat gives large possibilities to establish professional relations, to find new business partners, and to make actual client base.
The exhibition will be held in the Football manege 20 k. 2, Pobediteley Avenue, Minsk city, Republic of Belarus.

Drilling of water: wells, drilling rigs, well filters
Water treatment and water purification: technologies, filters, reagents, analytical and laboratory equipment, water deironing, softening, desalinating and demineralizing systems; membrane systems, water meters, household water filters; drinkable water, bottling
Water disposal and sewage treatment: storm-water inlets and water-ways; technologies, equipment and materials for sewage treatment, sewer purification units; quality control and sewage meters; dewatering technologies and the use of sewage slime
Projecting & design; construction, mounting, plumbing, repair and special works; special editions
Sanitary engineering: equipment and accessories for kitchen, bathroom and toilet; mixers and taps; showers and steam-rooms, saunas; instant boilers; whirlpool systems


“HEATING”: boilers, burners, stoves, automatic machinery and equipment; heating systems and heating mains isolation; heat-supply nets and insulation of heat supply routes; devices for control and regulation; measuring and regulating instruments; thermo-techniques, thermo-generators, heat exchangers, radiators; convectors, heaters, thermal guns, air heaters, heat generators, heat curtains; “warm floors”; fireplaces.

“PUMPS & SWIMMING POOLS”: pumping equipment and pumps, automatic equipment, control and regulation systems; equipment and accessories; water filtrating and heating systems; pool stairs, waterfalls; whirlpool equipment, pool lighting; water disinfection and quality control; swimming pools: ready-made, inflatable SPA, stationary; water proofing materials.

“PIPES AND FITTINGS”: pipes and pipe-lines, anticorrosive protection; valves (stop valves, cocks, fittings, drives), instrumentation

“CONDITIONING & VENTILATION”: air-conditioning, ventilation, cooling and air-purification systems; air-conditioners, air ionizations, air ducts
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