Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Wind farm «Novoazovskiy»

10035 1
24 November 2011

Новости по теме:

An investment project for construction of 43 wind turbines, each with the capacity of 2.5 MW, is being implemented n the village Bezymyannoe. The expected capacity of a wind farm is107.5 MW. The wind farm will satisfy the electricity needs of the four southern districts of the Donetsk region. Earlier this year 23 wind turbine FL 2500-100 (Fuhrlander AG) and a control panel FL-Scada with the hardware WP4000 were imported. The customer and the executer is the company "Vetropark Novoazovskiy ", a subsidiary of Economic Planning Department Vetroenergoprom. Project implementation period is 2010–2014. At the presentmoment the first phase is completed, ten wind turbines are installed. The second phase which consists of 13 plants (32.5 MW) is already launched.
  • 01-12-2011

    Получатель рассылок

    И когда окупятся затраты?
    Лет через 60? Или больше? Если вообще уместно говорить об эффективности этих 'проектов'.

    В европах и америках всем 'ветро' пинка под зад дали, там они уже не могут найти лохов, готовых выложить денежки 'на ветер'.

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