Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Energy efficient house in Orenburg

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09 November 2011

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In the town of Ecodolie (Orenburg region) a two-storied 12-apartment energy efficient house was built by Ecodolie group of companies in accordance with world standards of energy saving. The house was built at the request of the Housing and Community Utilities Reforming Fund.
Energy-saving technologies are used in the construction of this house. Director of the Housing and Community Utilities Reforming Fund Konstantin Tsitsin solemny presented the certificates for the flats in the house to the future tenants.
At the same day an inter-regional conference devoted to the application of energy-efficient technologies in the construction of low-rise economy class buildings was held in Orenburg. Energy saving technology is seen to be one of the promising directions in communal services reforming. Top officials of the region, representatives of public and private corporations engaged in energy saving and energy efficiency took part in the meeting.
Among the honored guests of the conference were Governor of the Orenburg region Yuri Berg, director of the Housing and Community Utilities Reforming Fund Konstantin Tsitsin, president of the National Agency of Low-Rise and Cottage Construction (NAMIKS) Elena Nikolaeva, President of «Baring Vostok Capital Partners» , twice hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut, a member of the Highest Political Council of APP "United Russia" Alexey Leonov, the Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria in Russia Plamen Grozdanov, Assistant representative of the President of the Russian Federation in Volga Federal District Muaed Konkulov, Deputy Director of the Department of Housing Policy of the Ministry of Regional Development Igor Eremin, CEO of management company "Ecodolie" Konstantin Filippishin.
During the last several years the Housing and Community Utilities Reforming Fund carried out a number of pilot projects which included the construction of energy effective houses. The application of renewable energy (solar panels, solar thermal collectors, ventilation systems with heat recuperation) allows to reduce external energy consumption y 60–70%. The usage of advanced technologies such as additional wall, windows and doors insulation allows to reduce energy and heat losses. Energy saving in such kind of houses reaches 40–50%, this fact makes it possible to reduce payments for the tenants by 30–40%.

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