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Training-centre RIDGID in Moscow

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20 December 2011

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Ridge Tool announced the opening of a new training-centre RIDGID in Moscow, which will allow anyone to get acquainted with RIDGID products and try them. Thetraining-centre is open for visitors since October 2011 and is equipped with all RIDGID equipment, including new products. An experienced coach, trained in Europe and America will help any customer to become a true professional for work with RIDGID.

After training
, the specialists will be able:
to cut heavy steel pipes
to make direct and clear edges on plastic pipes
use professionally the world-famous Tube Key RIDGID
to inspect pipes and to make a report at the time of inspection using Video
diagnostics systems
to provide quality pipelines cleaning and maintenance services with Cleaning Equipment
• to make long-lasting Press - Pipe connections
to detect water pipes
and underground utilities quickly and accurately using high-tech Pipeline Locators.
The education at the Center is free.
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