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Efficient solar collector is created in Irkutsk

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30 January 2012

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The staff of the Innovation Center "Energy Efficiency" developed an efficient solar collector which converts solar energy into heat. The press office of the university reports about it.
"In our case it can be used to heat water for heating or hot water supply. The most important thing in this case is that there is no need to waste fuel. Solar energy is inexhaustible,"-
Alexander Tunik, one of the developers, graduate student of engineering services and life support systems said .
Tunik also spoke about the structure of the new device and the principle of its operation.

"The body is made of plywood covered with anti-corrosion compound. The surface of the reservoir is a translucent insulation made ​​of glass under which there is a perceptive panel. We plan to cover it later with a selective coating for better sunlight perception. In the body the copper pipes through which coolant flows (water or antifreeze). The principle of operation is based on convective and radiative heat exchange, "- the graduate student said.
According to director of research and educational Innovation Centre "Energy Efficiency" by Mikhail Tolstoy, a feature of the collector is a special form of inner tubes, allowing the coolant to be in the heating zone longer and therefore better to warm up.

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