Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

A green hotel in Croatia

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26 July 2012

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A four-star hotel Split has been opened in Croatia in the resort Podstrana, which is located nine kilometers from Split. The feature of the hotel is that it is the first "green hotel" with the category A. The hotel is located near the coast of Split. The hotel has 40 double rooms. Rooms have the balconies overlooking the sea. The beds are placed on the "podium", thanks to this the guests can enjoy the sea view while lying. Bathrooms are equipped with glass walls and partitions, so the room receives natural light. Water is heated in the hotel with the help of solar energy, all the rooms of the hotel are equipped with LED-lamps, and electronic monitors energy-saving mode and power consumption of air conditioners. The hotel uses only biodegradable powder, detergents, shampoos and soaps with only eco certificates.


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