Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Uponor solutions for Bashkortostan

630 1
22 November 2011

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Uponor took part in the delegation which was organized on errand of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.
Bashkortostan Republic is searching ways for active production modernization and attracts actively investments from major foreign companies with significant scientific and technical potential, leaders of their branches.
Intensive construction and reconstruction of housing and industry have identified a high demand in modern solutions that meet environmental standards and are characterized in energy efficiency. That's why high-quality Uponor products for heat and water supply was of great interest, both for the Presidential Administration and for specialists of the companies OAO "Gazprom NefteChim Salavat", Nefteorgsintez, OAO "Soda" and OAO "Caustic."
  • 22-11-2011


    Uponor представила решения с Президенту Башкортостана

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