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Turanor PlanetSolar

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04 June 2012

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After an amazing 18-month journey, the Turanor PlanetSolar sun-powered boat completes its around-the-world trip. The world's largest solar-powered boat originally launched on its worldwide trip from Monaco in September 2010 and today the boat will officially finish the trip. The Swiss-designed solar boat is powered by 537 square meters of photovoltaic panels that enabled it to travel around the world and hit spots like Miami, Cancún, Brisbane, Singapore, Hong Kong and Abu Dhabi.

After crossing the Atlantic ocean, the Panama Canal, the Pacific ocean, the Indian ocean, the Suez Canal, and the Mediterranean, the Turanor completes its trip today by arriving at Hercule Harbor in Monaco.

The boat officially set off on its around the world trip on September 27th, 2010. After crossing the Atlantic ocean, the Panama Canal, the Pacific ocean, the Indian ocean, the Suez Canal, and the Mediterranean, the Turanor completes its trip today by arriving at Hercule Harbor in Monaco.

The solar-powered boat costs around $26 million, measures 101 feet long and 49 feet wide and can hold up to 50 passengers. It owes its existence to Raphael Domjan who originally envisioned the solar-powered boat back in spring 2004. After a successful trip around the world, the Turanor shows that it’s possible to travel the world without the use of any fossil fuel.

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