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Mitsubishi heat pumps website

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12 January 2012

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In order to promote the effectiveness of domestic air source heat pumps in the UK, Mitsubishi Electric has launched a new website. It shows real data gathered from properties around the country that are using an Ecodan® system.

The company is currently monitoring dozens of homes nationwide and has made four of them available for all to see with a specially designed Ecodan ‘Dashboard’. This gives visitors an overview of the system, detailing the age and type of property and they can then drill down further and see how the unit is performing at any time of the day, week, month or year, showing the running costs, CO2 emissions and energy consumed, when compared to gas and oil systems. The data available at the site shows the average outdoor temperature and indoor temperature and the highest and lowest outdoor temperatures during any given period. Visitors can also view the latest feed data which is always dated to give a more accurate comparison with their own situations. Advanced data shows the energy in and out, the flow temperature and rate of the system, the COP (Coefficient of Performance), and the indoor and outdoor temperatures over a specified period, which can be altered from last week, last month, last year or last season. Mitsubishi Electric will add further properties over the coming months

“We believe that air source heat pumps have a major role to play in the future of residential heating in the UK because of their renewable benefits,” explains John Kellett, General Manager of the Domestic Heating Systems Division. “We also understand that they are still new to a lot of people and we are making this site as open and transparent as possible so that homeowners can see the results for themselves, whether it is in the height of the summer or in the depths of the winter.”
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