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Spirax Sarco opens training center

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11 May 2012

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A showroom has been equipped in the new training center of the company Spirax Sarco in St. Petersburg. Here at special stands, students who attend Spirax Sarco seminars and training courses can see with their own eyes the design and working process of steam systems and their separate elements.
Training seminars for users of steam systems and professional design institutes - the world practice of Spirax Sarco. Russia has conducted over 30 training seminars annually. For the convenience of students organized seminars across the country, which gives them the opportunity to visit representatives of industrial enterprises in various cities.
Starting its own training center in St. Petersburg will allow the company to offer a new level of learning. Now, in addition to learning theory, students will be able to see in action the basic elements of steam systems and advanced energy-saving solutions.
Spirax Sarco открывает обучающий центр в России
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