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Close cooperation of Viessmann and VELUX

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02 December 2011

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Viessmann has entered a partnership agreement with the VELUX Group.
As h&v news website, VELUX solar collectors will now be paired with Viessmann DHW cylinders and control units, while VELUX will hand over the distribution of solar hot water cylinders and solar control units in some markets, and Viessmann will co-distribute VELUX in-roof collectors along with their own products.
The partnership agreement enables the VELUX Group to sell its in-roof solar thermal collectors and accessories through Viessmann’s distribution channels. Viessmann DHW cylinders, control units and components will continue to be supplied and supported by Viessmann through its well-established sales network.
The agreement covers European countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the UK, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland. As a result of the new partnership, the VELUX Group will no longer sell DHW cylinders in these markets.
“The new partnership broadens our comprehensive product range for all fuel types and areas of application. In addition to our existing flat-plate and vacuum tube collectors, we can also offer VELUX in-roof collectors with their aesthetic integration into the roof. We believe that this will strengthen sales in both companies,” says Dr Thomas Schweisfurth, Chief Sales Officer at Viessmann.
The partnership formally takes effect on 1 January 2012.


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