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100 MW Solar park on the Crimea Peninsula

532 0
07 February 2012

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The Austrian company Aktiv Solar put a 100 MW solar farm at Perovo on the Ukrainian Crimea Peninsula into operation. This solar park was the third large-scale project, the Vienna-based company announced. In the spring, a 7.5 MW project at Rodnikovo and in the autumn an 80 MW plant at Ohotnikovo (both on the Crimea Peninsula) had been completed.

The Perovo plant is one of the biggest solar power plants worldwide, says Aktiv Solar. A total of 440,000 crystalline modules and more than 1,500 kilometres of cable were used. At times of peak demand, the farm could cover the energy requirement of the Crimean capital of Simferopol on its own. The construction time for the five subprojects amounted to seven months. Companies from Ukraine were involved in the construction work. Key components came from suppliers in Asia and Europe.
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