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Biocond workshops

503 0
20 December 2011

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Experts of company "Biokond", the official distributor of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. and several other leading manufacturers of HVAC equipment, carried out a series of informational and educational conferences for professional HVAC market of Siberia. Conferences were held in five cities of the Siberian Federal District - Novokuznetsk, Tomsk, Barnaul, Kemerovo and Novosibirsk. In total, "Biokond" brought together representatives from one hundred and forty of the leading HVAC companies in Siberia, mostly - business owners and top managers.
Following "Biokond" top managers came to the conference in Novosibirsk : CEO Ilia Volkov, technical director Egor Baychikov and development director Maxim Novikov. This fact  emphasizes once again the relevance and importance of the region in the company's strategic plans, as well as high assessment of the prospects for development of the local HVAC market.
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