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Energy saving in Khakassia

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27 July 2012

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One of the important areas in the energy sector is energy saving. Now experts of the Energy saving centre and the Goskomtarifenergo Khakassia are making the training program "Energy conservation and energy efficiency in the republic of Khakassia in the years 2013-2015 on the run up to 2020." After completing the adjustment program will be considered at the session of the Supreme Council. Development of a regional program  an important link to get federal funds next year. In 2012, Khakassia, was among the 36 regions that have received subsidies from the federal budget to implement energy saving measures. Republic has been allocated more than 164 million rubles for the development and implementation of energy saving projects. The Government of Khakassia ays great attention to energy conservation and this year more money has been spent on energy conservation measures than in 2011.
After the allocation of funds in August - early September this year the window, lighting, doors and fencing structures are going to be replaced in most schools, kindergartens, cultural centers, hospitals. It will help to save energy so the press secretary Goskomtarifenergo Republic of Khakassia.

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