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Iran becomes biofuel producer

556 0
01 August 2012

Iran has become one of seven countries in the world to produce biofuel, the IRIB website reports.

According to IRIB, currently, only the U.S., Brazil, Sweden, Norway, China and India are biofuel producers.
Iran produced a sample of biofuel six months ago and is preparing to start its production. Located in the Khuzestan Province's Haft-Tapeh, a new 10,000 liter per day capacity biofuel facility will begin operating in the near future.

Iran's biofuel, or bioethanol, is to come from the 12 million tons of sugar cane it plants in the south. Until now it used the fibrous material left behind after sugar cane is crushed, called bagasse, as animal feed or to produce paper.

Bioethanol can be added to petrol to improve vehicle emissions and increase octane.

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