Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Project 'Innovation Platform'

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02 March 2012

Новости по теме:

Within the framework of the International specialized exhibition of power systems 'Boilers and Burners' the project 'Innovation Platform' will start
Впервые в рамках выставки стартует проект «Площадка инноваций».
The objectives of the project:
The demonstration of the intellectual potential of the region and the most promising innovative solutions ready for implementation, or have experience in practical application.

Creating a database of innovative ideas and projects.
Exchange of experience in the implementation of various innovations in the field of timing.
Search for potential partners and investors for the development and implementation of projects.
Objective: To enable the advanced scientific and technological institutions and young professionals to the industry to submit drafts of their developments in engineering.
As part of the site: Presentations of scientific papers and development, Fashion show, master classes presented by developments; Work 'negotiating' offices to translate projects between interested companies and authors.
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