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Awareness of housing reform is gradually increasing

530 0
25 July 2012

All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM) presented the results of nationwide study on public awareness on the public utilities reform and on the willingness to participate in its main areas.

Awareness of Russians on the ongoing reform of the utilities in the country rose slightly over the last month from 62 to 64%. Growing awareness had occurred in the groups of respondents older than 35 years (from 65-67% to 71-72%), as well as among not educated respondents (from 49 to 58%) and among the living in towns with less than 100 thousand inhabitants (from 57 to 68%).

The level of participation in the reform of housing in comparison with May 2012 increased from 56 to 59% of respondents. The involvement of citizens in the reform has increased due to the respondents who install energy-saving lamps in the apartment, and electrical appliances (30% in May, and 33% - in June 2012).

From May to June 2012 increased the number of our fellow citizens who are interested in how to control the activities of the management company: from 21 to 25%. It is also slightly increased the proportion of those who care about the problem of reducing the cost of housing and communal services (57% in May versus 59% in June 2012). The remaining issues are still concerned about not more than 12% of respondents.

Half of respondents (51%) believes that the state should pay the costs of major repairs of common property home. Another third (33%) believe that the payment should hold the owners, but not without the participation of the state. Only 7% believe the payment of such costs the direct responsibility of the owners.

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