Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Training program for General equipment

1038 0
22 October 2012

In September, a group of companies "JAC" opened a new school year. Training Program 2012-2013 for the General equipment was updated with new courses, in addition to the continued working on the most relevant and popular topics.

In the first month 7 workshops on various subjects and focus have been conducted. Duration of each course varied from 1 to 3 days. All classes are held in the JAC classrooms in Moscow.

Since October regional seminars have started. The next workshops will be held in Yekaterinburg, Samara and Novosibirsk. The program and the date can be monitored on the official website.

"JAC" reminds to its partners and dealers, that they can directly influence the formation of the schedule of the visiting conferences, as well as their subjects. The need for a particular course should be reported to the supervising manager via the request, after which the city will be included in the regional training program. If there is not enough applications in a particular city we invite listeners to study in Moscow or the nearest regional center, which will host seminars.

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