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WILO training centre in Bavaria

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30 November 2011

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Together with the town’s Lord Mayor, Dr Harald Fichtner, Dr Holger Krasmann, CTO WILO SE, and Eike Dölschner, Head of Submersible & High Flow Pumps, opened the new international training centre BIZ at Wilo’s Hof plant, the extended training workshop and the modernised development offices. In addition, the testing facility extension building was presented.
Extended training workshop with state-of-the-art equipment for young professionals
Wilo’s Hof plant looks after the training of 50 young people year on year. This makes it one of the biggest training companies in the region. The dual study & training programme is particularly popular. Wilo provides a one-year long, in-house training course as an introduction to the business and then continues to accompany the trainees during a seven-semester course at Hof University of Applied Sciences. “It is part of Wilo’s corporate philosophy to support young people and to offer them the opportunity of a solid third-level education. In this way we train our own mechanical and industrial engineers and contribute actively towards tackling the skills shortage in the region”, explained Dr Holger Krasmann during his speech. Wilo in Hof trains mainly electricians, industrial mechanics and technical product designers and accompanies students during their Bachelor of Science course in mechanical engineering as part of the study & training programme.


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