Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

LG at Mostra Convegno Expocomfort

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15 May 2012

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At the exhibition Mostra Convegno Expocomfort (MCE) -2012 in Milan LG introduced a full range of commercial air conditioning systems and energy efficient solutions, including high-performance multi-zone (VRF) air conditioning system Multi V III Heat Pump with the heating regime, as well as newly developed Hydro Kit specifically designed for European consumers. Multi V III system provides a coefficient of 4.58 and higher energy efficiency performance for the total length of pipelines, increased up to 1000 m. System Multi V III Heat Recovery with energy efficiency ratio 7.1 is able to heat and cool simultaneously  a variety of rooms, it has received "Product Class A" and will be separately shown in the exhibition Verso La Classe-2012.
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