Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Round table on energy efficiency

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13 December 2011

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A round table concerning energy efficiency and energy saving questions as well as realization of technological connection of small and medium businesses was held by the Tula Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The initiators of this event were
JSC "MRSC of Central and Volga Region" (branch of "Tulenergo") and the Tula Regional office of the Russian public organization "Delovaya Russia", with the participation of the Tula Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization of Small and Medium Enterprises "OPORA RUSSII".
Participants of the "round table" were: Chairman of the Tula Regional Organization "Delovaya Russia" Andrei Mazov, Chairman of Tula Regional branch of the organization "
OPORA RUSSII" Igor Shchepotev, representatives of JSC "MRSC of Central and Volga Region" (branch of "Tulenergo") Deputy Director of Development and implementation of services Sergei Hnykin, Deputy Chief operating engineer Igor Rodionov, Head of technological joining Alexander Elizarov, business leaders, journalists, media.
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