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Boilers and burners 2012

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03 April 2012

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In June 4th-6th, 2012 three international specialized industrial exhibitions will take place in St. Petersburg :
- "Ros-Gaz-Expo"
- "Boilers and burners"
- "Energy conservation and energy efficiency. Innovative technologies and equipment. "
Organizer: Exhibition Association "FAREXPO"
Co-organizers of the exhibitions and business partners: Gazprom, Gazprom gas distribution, Russian Gas Society, Eurasian Business Council, Giproniigaz, Union of the North-West Power industry workers, Gas club, the St. Petersburg Energy Institute for Advanced Studies of the Ministry of Energy.
Three unique projects are combined with joint objectives: the implementation of energy conservation policy in Russia, the introduction of modern energy-saving technologies in production, more efficient use of energy resources, promotion of the production of competitive energy-saving products.
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