Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Conference on Energy Conservation in Barnaul

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12 May 2012

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The 5th Scientific-practical conference on energy efficiency will be held on May 18 on the basis of Altai State University in Barnaul.
As reported in the Altai Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI Altai), the purpose of this event is the exchange of best practices in using technology of energy saving.
The conference will feature energy-saving techniques based on the experience of the Altai Chamber of Commerce and other businesses in the fields of electricity, heat, water consumption, and various methods of reducing energy consumption and improve power quality on the examples of enterprises of the Altai Territory.
Among the conference participants will be distributed free of charge a collection reporting.
The organizers of the event: Committee of the Altai Chamber of Commerce on energy management, the Altai region of the Industry and Energy, the City of Barnaul.
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