Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Changes in Carrier product range

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12 May 2012

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In March 2012 Carrier replaced previous models of roof air conditioners 48/50 AZ / UZ with the new series 48/50 UA / UH, operating for the cooling and heating.
To date, a full range of equipment represented by seven sizes in the range of capacities from 44 to 115 kW with air flow from 7200 m3 / h to 25,000 m3 / h
Monobloc air conditioners are installed on the roof of the building and air conditioning systems are designed for commercial and industrial facilities.
Rooftops are presented in the following variations:

50UA 045-120: aggregate cooling air conditioners.
48UA 045-120: aggregate cooling air-conditioners with gas heating.
50UH 045-120: aggregate heat pumps.
48UH 045-120: aggregate heat pumps with gas heating.

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