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Europeans demand solar energy

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13 June 2012

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Leaders of the solar energy community representing citizens across Europe called on Brussels politicians to increase their support for solar energy. In video messages from France, Italy and Portugal, three of the 20 European countries participating in the European Solar Days campaign, national representatives urged policy makers to stimulate further the growth of solar energy across Europe.

The message was presented to representatives of European politics, businesses and organisations at a debate in the European Parliament on May 10 hosted by Amalia Sartori, a Member of the European Parliament and Chair of the Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) Committee. The panellists discussed the financial and social potential of solar energy for European citizens, the best policies to stimulate further growth in availability and usage of solar energy in Europe, and how solar energy can help in meeting the EU’s energy and climate objectives.

Xavier Noyon, ESTIF Secretary General, commented: “Decentralised energy sources such as solar thermal and solar photovoltaics have an important role to play in promoting investment at local level, i.e. commercialisation, installation and maintenance. It’s a great way to replace fossil fuel imports by local jobs.” According to a recent Eurobarometer survey, 94 % of Europeans favour using solar energy, more than for any other energy source.

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