Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Energy conservation in the Tambov region

803 0
02 August 2012

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Tambov region will receive a subsidy from the federal budget in the amount of $ 91.3 million rubles for the implementation of the regional energy saving program.
The target program "Energy conservation and energy efficiency in the Tambov region 2010 - 2015 and the period up to 2020" has started in the Tambov region.

During the first phase the program will focus on the organizational and technical measures. Energy audit of buildings is being conducted and they are being equipped with meters. Energy efficiency programs are also being developed for public institutions. Effective work on the subject is being made by the health care and education institutions: about 95% have already approved programs. In the first quarter of 2012 the works on modernization of boilers, furnaces, heating systems, insulation of attics, doors in the public and municipal institutions were carried out. 31 million rubles were spent on for these purposes.

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