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Energy efficient illumination for Moscow

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16 April 2012

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Energy-saving technologies will be used for creating of a new architectural and artistic illumination of Moscow, Deputy Director SUE "Mossvet" Alexander Bukatov told RIA Novosti.
"The development of the illumination is in full swing. Of courseenergy-saving technologies will be used for the new illumination," - Bukatov said.
As Bukatov we are talking about the use of energy saving LED lights. Less power than previously required could be used now to create high-quality lighting.
In 2011 Moscow authorities have expressed the need to improve the architectural and artistic image of the Garden Ring in the evening on weekdays and weekends, this was a competition to develop the scheme and the festive lighting buildings everyday. It was assumed that the scheme will be set up brightness ratios of stylistic devices and solutions, the measured light level, defines the requirements for the placement and brightness of the light level of advertising designs, developed forms of lighting at night for various objects. In 2011, the project works have been performed on light design on the first three parts of Moscow - Tverskaya Street (53 houses), New Arbat Street (26 houses) and the Prospect of Peace (24 buildings). On all assembled objects are two modes of illumination: the everyday and festive.

Source: RIA Novosti
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