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Potential for economic growth

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14 June 2012

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In a new report from the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) 82% of cities identify the potential for economic growth as a result of climate change mitigation and adaptation.

More than half the participating cities identify opportunities to create green jobs and new business initiatives. Despite the substantial prospects for green growth, just under a third of cities expect new sources of funding for tackling climate change.

The report, which contains analysis by technical and management support services firm AECOM, presents a global snapshot of the activities, challenges and opportunities facing cities as a result of climate change. It is based on the carbon and water strategies and actions disclosed to CDP by 73 cities spanning every inhabited continent. The report also contains a special focus on the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40), a network of the world’s largest cities working to reduce urban carbon emissions and accelerate climate change adaptation.

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