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Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant reduced energy consumption

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20 March 2012

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Severstal, one of the world's leading vertically integrated steel and mining companies, announced that the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, one of the largest integrated steel plants in the world (part of the division of "Severstal Russian Steel") reduced energy consumption for steel production to 5.620 Gcal per tonne, which is 25% lower compared to 1999, when the program for energy conservation had been launched.
Only in 2011 was able to reduce CherMk * energy intensity by 1.3%: the production of tons of steel mill reduced the consumption of purchased energy: natural gas by 1.4%, or nearly 3 cubic meters, oxygen - by 6.7% or 4 cubic meters, electricity - by 0.8% or 2 kWh.
A significant reduction in energy consumption achieved through investment and organizational and technical measures aimed at saving fuel (for example, the production of sinter and lime kiln), oxygen and electricity (in staleplavlenie).
"Due to a number of activities involving the modernization of equipment, introduction of new energy-saving technologies, the output of inefficient industries, the use of modern automated control systems for energy consumption, significantly reduced power consumption CherMk, becoming a leader in this indicator among Russian steel producers," - says the director for the production of -Chief Engineer Battalion "Severstal Russian Steel," Andrey Lutsenko.
According to him, the annual reduction in energy consumption - a real contribution to the solution of important macroeconomic targets for the rational use and conservation of energy resources, as well as to reduce the load on the environment.
According to a 2011 rating of the fundamental performance compiled by the agency Interfax-ERA, "Severstal" has become a leader among the enterprises of the Russian steel industry, taking in the ranking of 16 among the 100 line of companies of real sector of the economy.
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