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Buderus opened subsidiary in Vladivostok

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17 November 2011

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Buderus opened its 25th Russian subsidiary in the Primorsky Region capital.
Acceleration of social and economic development of the region opens wide prospects for Buderus Thermotechnik, Bosch division.
In particular the started realization of government program aimed to the creation of the possibilities for effective Primorsky Region potential usage, formation of a big political, economical and cultural center on the Vladivostok basis increase the necessity of a modern Buderus energy saving heating and climatic equipment.
The subsidiary network covers now all Russian largest cities. Besides, there are nine regional warehouses in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kazan, Samara, Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Habarovsk, which allow the company to increase the Bosch representation in the region and reduce significantly the terms of equipment and spare parts delivery.


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