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42 million rubles for energy saving

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16 May 2012

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The group of companies "SU-155" invests about 42 million rubles in the modernization of their own company "Mashstroyindustriya" specializing in industrial production of construction equipment. The funds are aimed at upgrading production and improving its energy efficiency.
In the first stage of technical re-equipment, which affects the production of hydraulic cylinders, cranes, metal and steel, SC "SC-155" will invest about 37 million rubles. In addition, 5 million rubles, aimed at improving the heating and energy saving. Measures to ensure the efficiency of production of JSC "Mashstroyindustriya" saving of about 2 million rubles. per year, which in turn will help reduce production costs.
The whole complex of works on modernization will be completed by the end of 2012. This will allow the company "Mashstroyindustriya" significantly increase the volume and quality of products: up to 10 cranes per month.
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