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13 000 new electricity meters

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15 March 2012

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"Chelyabenergo" is going to set 13,000 new electricity meters in the private sector. All work will be performed by means the company's investment program. Last year Chelyabenergo experts  fulfilled the complex of works on improvement of current systems and technical accounting in networks. Energy installed a total of about 8000 new settlements schetchikov.V Shibaev, Groznetsky, Dubrovka, Small Sarykul, Sokolovo Etkulskogo district of Chelyabinsk region Specialists Central electric networks "Chelyabenergo" implemented a pilot project to create an automated system for commercial energy accounting residential customers based on the equipment concern "Energomera." The system is designed for efficient automated metering, and recording and storing the parameters of electricity, transmission of information in the data center. The new meters are made to the facades, which allows power companies to take readings remotely without disturbing at the same masters. The cost of the project amounted to over 4.5 million roubles. Besides more than 5000 meters"Matrix" have been installed to the subscribers of the private sector in Chelyabinsk and some settlements of the region.
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