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Mexico Bii Nee Stipa III Wind Farm

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14:30 18 December 2012

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Enel Green Power has connected to the grid its second wind farm in Mexico, Zopiloapan - Bii Nee Stipa III, located in the state of Oaxaca.

Thanks to the outstanding wind conditions in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec,  the new plant, boasting an installed capacity of 70 MW, has a load factor of around 40%, the equivalent of approximately 250 million kWh of “clean” energy each year once fully operational. Power generation from the new plant will avoid the annual emission of around 150 thousand tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.

With the start of operations of Zopiloapan - Bii Nee Stipa III, EGP is strengthening its footprint in the promising Mexican renewables market, which the Group has been present in since 2007 in the hydroelectric sector, giving it today an installed capacity of around 200 MW.

The wind farm, designed and built by Gamesa, a partner with a solid footing in the Mexican market, consists of thirty-five 2-MW Gamesa wind turbines.A total investment of around 160 million US dollars was required to construct the Zopiloapan - Bee Nee Stipa III wind farm.

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