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World Bioenery 2012

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04 June 2012

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The trade fair and conference World Bioenergy 2012 was held at Elmia in Jönköping on 29 to 31 May.

No fewer than 143 exhibitors from 19 countries presented their products and services within a variety of segments to the global bioenergy sector.

An extensive conference programme was held at the same time as the trade fair and featured five parallel sessions in three days.

“This year’s conference programme was broader than usual, as in parallel with World Bioenergy we also arranged World Pellets, World Biorefinery and Sustainable Bioenergy Day, with speakers from 34 countries and more than 600 conference participants,” said Gustav Melin, CEO of Svebio (The Swedish Bioenergy Association). “We also organised about 40 very popular field trips to various bioenergy facilities.” One such excursion went to the new biogas facility in the nearby municipality of Skövde. The facility produces 40 GWh/yr and is co-owned by Göteborg Energi and Skövde Municipality. There, visitors from such countries as China, Russia and Australia could see how waste from the food production lines at Arla Foods and Skövde Slakteri is transformed into environmentally friendly vehicle fuel for buses and cars.

Enterprise Europe Network held another of its matchmaking events at this year’s trade fair. Industry players met at pre-arranged business meetings spread over two days to make new contacts that can lead to profitable joint ventures and business deals.

The World Bioenergy Award was presented for the second time, this year by Energy Minister Anna-Karin Hatt together with Kent Nyström of World Bioenergy Associatio and  the initiator of the award, Jakob Hirsmark of Elmia, both of whom were members of the jury. Finalists were from India, Russia, Spain, the UK and the USA, and the winner was Harry Stokes of the USA. He has built up, funded and led Project Gaia, which aims to improve the health, economic situation and quality of life of a very large number of families in developing countries. He has led a global initiative that promotes techniques of producing and using alcohol fuel for cooking and household equipment.
“Since the global environment links the world together and since half the planet’s population lives in energy poverty, it is in everyone’s interest to support the use of biofuels in developing countries, not only for export but also for local use,” Stokes pointed out.

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