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Air filter LG Cyclotron Plasmaster HAF

956 0
18 May 2012

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LG Electronics preents a wide range of residential air conditioning systems on the Russian market designed to meet one of the important consumer trends - to maintain the maximum healthy atmosphere in the rooms. High efficiency air cleaning, even in the face of strong smoke filter Plasmaster Cyclotron HAF, presented in split-systems company, has been confirmed in a unique testing (report FGBU EMERCOM of Russia to test the quality of 14.04.2012 № 11 364) based on the All-Russian Research Institute of Fire issledovatelnogo Defense Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, one of the largest centers of scientific research in the field of fire safety, the creation and implementation of technical means of fire protection.
Filter Plasmaster Cyclotron HAF is the next stage of evolution is well-known in the market filter Plasma, study and improvement of which the Company has dedicated many years. Plasmaster Cyclotron HAF can not only delay the tiniest particles of dirt and dust, but also to remove dust mites, pollen and animal dander to 30% more efficient than conventional air conditioners with the function of cleaning and air ionization.

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