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Volther produces electricity and hot water

538 1
22 September 2011

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A new product launched by a Turkish solar company called Solimpeks offers an ingenious solution to homeowners who would like to benefit from own solar power. The company’s Volther is a hybrid photovoltaic-solar thermal collector, which produces electricity and hot water simultaneously.

The company said in a press statement that the hybrid system allows extra module heat to be absorbed to produce hot water while optimizing efficiency.

The science behind is fairly straightforward. Any PV cell is negatively affected by heat, with output dropping by around 0.5 % for every Kelvin degree. A 10-degree rising in temperature, for example, would mean a loss in power output of about 5%.

Solimpeks scientists succeeded in turning the problem into an advantage with the development of its “PV-T”, described as a hybrid PV and solar thermal collector. The device enables the PV cells to be cooled using water circulating around them. As a result, the electrical output from the cells is bigger and hot water is produced.

Tests showed an improvement of 20% in electric generation compared with conventional PV panels – plus hot water at 60 – 70 degrees Celsius. There are two versions of the Volther Panels: PowerTherm, which is optimized for hot water production; and PowerVolt, optimized for electricity production.


  • 03-10-2011


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