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Viessmann shows confidence in micro-CHP

1339 1
09 September 2011

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The Viessmann Group has increased its shares of capital of the Microgen Engine Corporation to 42,19 percent. An equal amount of shares is now also being held by the BDR Thermea Group. The remainder of the shares are held by various shareholders within or related to the heating industry. This transaction has been approved by the appropriate regulatory authorities. MEC’s core business activities involves the development and manufacturing of gas-fired Stirling engines. These engines find their application predominantly in micro-CHP system which simultaneously generate electricity and heat.

Stirling engines produced by MEC will be sold to its shareholders as well as to third parties within the heating industry. MEC's objective is to continue developing as a component supplier for the heating industry, so Stirling engines can become a new standard for micro-CHP technology. With this transaction, Viessmann demonstrates its confidence in this innovative technology.

“The trend towards CHP-technology and towards decentralized electricity generation will continue“, says managing director Dr Martin Viessmann. „As part of our comprehensive product range with individual solutions for all applications and energy sources, we have presented our Stirling-based micro-CHP Vitotwin 300-W system at the 2011 ISH. It will be available on the market this year.“

The CHP is an efficiency technology which offers tremendous potential, due to the fact that heat, which is usually a waste product of electricity generation, is utilized. When compared to conventional and separated electricity and heat generation, CHP systems reduce the primary energy consumption by 25 percent and emit about one third less carbon dioxide. With the upcoming market launch, micro-CHP systems will soon be available for application in single and double family homes.
  • 30-04-2012



    I get home I would like to learn about electricity-generating micro-CHP modules.
    I would like to build sales service network in Turkey, making these modules.Micro-CHP modules to be convinced that a high market share in Turkey. Pleaseforward the detailed catalog about the modules.
    We will have some questions.
    burn-in an hour how much natural gas.
    A few hours kw / hour of electricity produces.
    how much heat produces in an hour.
    The annual number of sales for at least several pieces.
    What is your e-unit price.There are many models of micro CHP. (engine type)

    Thank you for helping.


    Yasar BASKAN

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