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Wind energy in Sakhalin

688 0
06 February 2012

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Negotiations with the Japanese company "Mitsui & Co., Ltd." on wind energy development in Sakhalin took place in the government of the island region..
Pilot site for the development of alternative energy sources is selected village Novikovo Korsakov. There are already underway design work in the near future to establish vetroizmeritelny complex. This is a mast height of 34 m, equipped with sensors measuring speed, wind direction and temperature. Before the construction of wind turbine, experts in the year to observe wind potential areas. Only then can we judge the feasibility of the project.
The purpose of undertaking is to create alternative energy sources in remote areas through the construction joint of diesel and wind elektrostantsiy.Ozhidaemy result - the reduction in fuel costs.
In the case of a successful project in Novikov's possible to build similar plants in other parts of the Sakhalin region.
As noted by the Minister of Investment and Foreign Relations of the island region Ekaterina Kotova, wind power - is an innovative project for the Sakhalin Oblast, Russia is very interested in it.
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