Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Wind power station in Barcelona

546 0
07 August 2012

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Ferrovial Services, via its municipal and environmental services subsidiary, Cespa, has installed Europe's first wind-powered recharging station for electric vehicles.

The station, equipped with a 4 kW wind turbine, is the first in Europe to generate electricity from wind and use it for vehicle recharging. Cespa manages municipal waste collection and cleaning contracts in western Barcelona as well as an end-to-end garden maintenance contract in the city's metropolitan area.

Javier Llansó, general manager of Cespa: "The vehicle recharging station is part of an ambitious project by Cespa which includes environmental initiatives such as a high-pressure car wash with a water recovery system, photovoltaic panels, and a compressed natural gas station for vehicles." General Electric (GE) and Urban Green Energy (UGE) have both collaborated on this project with a view to promoting clean energy use.

All of these installations will be certified to the ISO 50.001 standard on energy efficiency. The project, which is a pioneer in Europe, has already successfully been implemented in New York and Beijing, and places Cespa and Barcelona in on the cusp of this trend worldwide.

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