Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

VENTS at the Caucasus Build 2012

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04 June 2012

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VENTS together with M Lines took part in the building and interior exhibition Caucasus Build 2012. The exhibition was held on May 16 - 19 in Tbilisi. 135 foreign companies from Armenia, Turkey, Poland, Italy, Azerbaijan and other countries showed their products. There were products from the plumbing sector, construction equipment, building materials, water and interior. VENTS booth aroused great interest, as the guests of the exhibition, and her uchastnikov. VENTS products are very popular in Georgia, so you could hear a lot of positive feedback from the booth visitors. The exhibition audience Caucasus Build 2012 was very experienced, it was visited by about 4,000 skilled professionals from the construction branch. High quality organization of the exhibitions and specialization of the audience visitors, along with expert partners in the company's M Lines, will certainly yield results in the promotion of VENTS ventilation in Georgia.

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