Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

VALTEC invites to visit Aqua-Therm Moscow

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01 February 2012

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VALTEC invites the visitors to attend the XVI International exhibition Aqua-Therm Moscow 2012 which will be held on the 7-10th of February 2012 in International Exhibition Center "Crocus Expo". We will be glad to introduce a new product range, new technical samples and promotional products.
VALTEC will also present the existing integrated solutions for organizing heat metering in every apartment in the apartment buildings.

VALTEC offers innovative technology for integrated management of water supply and heating systems in apartment buildings. The essence of this technology is based on the installation of
VALTEC Individual Heat and Water Supply Stations (IHWSS) in each apartment and "radial" heating and plumbing pipelines distribution.
IHWSS is being installed for each apartment in the place of easyto access for service organizations (on the landing as it is with electrical shield). The horizontal heat and water pipes are layed from the Station to the apartment.
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