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Biogas plant is built in the Belgorod region

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04 April 2012

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The alternative energy production process is started at the largest facility in the country . The raw material for the test run were the waste products of cattle.
Holding "Agro-Belogorie" and company "AltEnergo" continue the project for the construction of a biogas plant. Last week 2,600 tons of cattle manure were put into its manufacturing tanks. This kind of raw material is traditionally used to "warm up" such objects. It promotes the creation of a biologically active environment necessary for the further development of biogas. Pig waste water will be used in the process in late April.
Test run was led by German experts. After receiving tanks and mixing tank the liquid cattle manure was led to the fermenter. Here it was heated to a temperature of 37-38 degrees. The pre-shredded and moist silage, waste and pig meat processing plant effluents will also arrive here in 8 weeks. In the process of fermentation the long-awaited biogas will be received. The first alternative energy is planned to be received in 13 weeks.
After reaching the design capacity the plant will annually process 14,600 tonnes of meat processing plant waste, 26,000 tons of pig waste, 1,800 tons of sewage waste in the form of raw sludge, 26,000 tons of silage. All components for the production of biogas will be supplied by the Group companies "Agro-Belogorie".
Annual production of the biogas plant will be 19.6 million kWh of electricity, 18.2 thousand Gcal of thermal energy and 66.8 thousand tons of organic fertilizer.
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