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Cooperation strengthening in the field of climate

423 0
01 March 2012

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A new agreement on cooperation in climate change was signed between the representative of the four leading juice manufacturers factory Nidan Juices which was a Coca-Cola Company group member and the climate company Marit Service.  According to it the service and repair of 130 air conditioners would be provided by the company Marit Service.

It reflects the expansion of cooperation between the two companies and the changing positions of the participants in the HVAC market B2B due to the change of the service company for the factory.
The current agreement is the second largest after the agreement of the 2011 for the supply and installation of air conditioners in the factory rooms. Within the frameworks of that agreement the Marit Service experts completed the installation of air conditioners in the office, server room and split systems in the factory laboratory.
The new agreement expands the cooperation between the companies in the area of ​​climate change currently including the full range of climate services for the supply, installation, maintenance and repair of air conditioners.
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