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Tyumen and Yekaterinburg accepted delegation from Denmark

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24 November 2011

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Last week Tyumen and Yekaterinburg accepted delegation of major Danish companies. It was not the first meeting of experts of these cities with the Kingdom representatives. For example, in March 2011 the Danes were in Tyumen.

As deputy governor of the Tyumen Region Eugene Zabolotny, the spring meeting with the guests had more to do with the discussion of technical issues, the elaboration of strategies for further work, and this time the parties intend to move from words to deeds. "The Tyumen region is an important element in the Russian economic system and one of the most investment attractive Russian regions. This conclusion was made by experts from Ministry of Regional Development. Tyumen is one of ten Russian cities, which was called the most attractive for business by experts as the result of 2010 ", - Eugene Zabolotny said.

Now several comprehensive programs concerning improving of energy efficiency are being implemented in the city. Thus, in the city of Tyumen the project "Energy Efficient quarter," for the period 2010-2012 is being carried out. Its goal is to sharpen the mechanisms of energy conservation and to improve the quality of housing services for people living in this quarter. It is being implemented primarily through the use of modern technologies and equipment for the modernization of residential buildings.

According to the Chairman of the Regional Government Anatoly Gredin, Yekaterinburg is engaged in implementing of energy conservation programs in the region for the past 15 years, and in the future the activization of own research and study of the best international practices in this area are planned.

"The experience of Denmark is interesting for us, in particular, because in this country, unlike most European neighbors, there is a centralized heat supply.

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