Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Public services payments in the Moscow region

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20 August 2012

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The maximum amount of the fee change indices for public services equals to 112% for the district heating and 115% for the individual heating for private citizens from July 1 according to the order of the Ministry of Economics of the Moscow region and to the federal law that sets utility rates in the Moscow region.

During the formation of the Moscow region tariffs from 1 July 2012 the deflator indices were included which had been established by the Ministry of Economic Development for gas for the enterprises and for the private citizens (115%), for electricity forthe enterprises (108%) and the private citizens (106%), materials and technologies for water supply and sanitation (103%), for the district heating (108%). Increase in tariffs for heat and water will take place in phases, from July 1, rates for these services will increase by 6%, 1 September and the end of the year prices for heat will be equal to 9% of water - 8.2%.

Tariffs for hot water will increase the average for the second half of 2012 by 9.5%, electricity - by 6%, the tariffs for thermal energy - by 9.5%.

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